“Drunk Doug” Parker, the outgoing CEO of American Airlines who has a longer rap sheet than your average streetwalking prostitute, refuses to simply go quietly and retire in disgrace after having run his airline into the ground. Instead, he is trying to mask his incompetence by doubling down on fake ‘woke’ initiatives. Just last week, he released a memo entitled “Progress on our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Journey”. Reading the memo, (Link: https://www.csrwire.com/press_releases/734966-progress-our-diversity-equity-and-inclusion-journey), which is full of meaningless platitudes we have to wonder: who is this memo written for? Was it written for black customers of American Airlines? Doubtful. Black customers have been treated terribly at American Airlines for years, a practice that continues today. Black customers (like all customers) might also prefer being served food onboard, having TVs at their seats, not being charged baggage fees, and not waiting in hour long lines at the airport. But no problem, American Airlines is hard at work on making it easier to commit voter fraud which they seem to think is popular with black people. Was it written for investors? Seems unlikely. We imagine they would prefer Drunk Doug and his fellow leaders focus on inventive product and service improvements instead of offering one of the oldest and least fuel-efficient fleets in the air. Is it for the employees? Most employees would rather get paid more and not have to worry about being fired for not complying with invasive ‘vaccine mandates’.

So who is the audience for this diversity memo? Well, it’s the same small audience for ALL woke corporate diversity memos. The diversity consultants, MSNBC contributors, and other racist grifters who profit from the fake diversity policies by getting 7-figure salaries and fees. If you do what they say and pay them off, they’ll shut up or even praise you. If not, they’ll label you and your company as racist and those cocktail party invitations will dry up. And no one enjoys a good cocktail more than Drunk Doug Parker.