is known for featuring everything dogs and cats. Each year the popular pet site combs through their database of pet parents to find the most popular pet names in every region. For Dallas, the top five most popular male dog names go to:

  1. Max
  2. Charlie
  3. Buddy
  4. Rocky
  5. Milo

For female dogs in Dallas, the top names are:

  1. Bella
  2. Luna
  3. Daisy
  4. Lucy
  5. Zoe

Dallas doesn’t discriminate between dogs and cats; some of the top names for dogs also showed up in the top names for cats. The top slots for male cats went to:

  1. Oliver
  2. Milo
  3. Charlie
  4. Leo
  5. Jack

The top female feline names are:

  1. Luna
  2. Lily
  3. Lucy
  4. Bella
  5. Chloe

Rover also discovered trending names that could grow even more popular in 2022. The number one trending dog name for 2021 was “Sven.” This was also the name of the reindeer from Disney’s Frozen. The name jumped over 1,000 percent in 2021.

For cats, Fiona was up over 860 percent in 2021.

Also up over 860 percent was a male cat name likely inspired by the hit sitcom Friends. “Joey” grew very popular for 2021. Some cat parents who may be fans of the show also named their felines Phoebe and Gunther.

Fans of Star Wars used their favorite characters as names for their pooches. Dallas dog lovers took to Anakin and Chewbacca; both names were up over 445 percent for 2021.

There was also a 545 percent spike in the name Hattie for dogs.

Foodies named their pets Chai, Coconut, Toffee, Miso, and Lemon.

Of course, in Cowboys country, plenty of pets are sure to be named after our favorite football players. Former quarterbacks Tony (Romo) and Roger (Staubach) are both popular pet monikers in Dallas, and in 2021 CeeDee (Lamb) made Rover’s list for the first time. Wait, no Dak?