State Rep. Jessica González (D-Dallas) had the honor of being the subject of a rap song, created by a legislative aide, by the title “Queendom,” in addition to having been named Texas Monthly’s 2021 “Bull on the Brazos” for her work on voting rights. 

González represents the 104th District and has been pushing for fairness in voting rights, which earned her the respect of one legislative aide who wrote a song in her honor. 

“My staff has gone above and beyond on this one! Check out this brilliant rap, featuring my lege aide, about some of the coolest members of the #Txlege. Hope y’all enjoy these bars as much as me. Great start to this (not so Special) Session,” González wrote on Twitter

The lyrics of the song speak about González’s work to bring voting equality to Texans and stand up to the powers that would keep voters quiet. 

“It is the honor of a lifetime to fight for District 104, and all Texans, in the Texas House. As long as there needs to be a ‘Bull of the Brazos’ fighting for your right to vote, I will proudly wear the mantle,” González tweeted. 

González was instrumental in preventing a bill that posited limiting voting hours and vote-by-mail from being passed. 

“When it came time to debate bills that restricted your right to vote, I organized opposition and I fought back. I got loud and I raised my voice on behalf of the millions of Texans who were silenced during the process,” González tweeted. 

District 104 covers parts of west Dallas County. It is her second term serving as legislator for the district.

González is also a practicing personal injury attorney at her law firm Gondara & González PLLC. 

She has previously served as vice-chair of the House Committee on Elections.