It’s a basic principle that most parents teach their children: “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” 

An employee of the Washington Commanders clearly never learned his lesson — until now. 

Self-described “guerilla journalist” James O’Keefe, the founder of Project Veritas, posted a bombshell video on Wednesday, in which Rael Enteen, vice president of content for the Commanders, is heard making disparaging remarks about NFL players, fans, commissioner Roger Goodell, and Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones. 

The comments were made when Enteen had his guard down during a date with an undercover journalist from the O’Keefe Media Group. 

“Enteen … criticizes the NFL’s progressive initiatives as ‘performative,’ stating that their ‘[NFL] social justice efforts are a performance for the sake of public perception.’ When asked about the NFL’s commitment to Black Lives Matter, Pride, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, he bluntly replies, ‘…it’s to make as much money as possible,’” O’Keefe wrote on X alongside the video.

Enteen singles out Jones in particular for criticism, claiming that Jones “hates gay people and black people” and “really runs the NFL,” referring to Goodell as a “$50 million puppet.” 

The Athletic reports on Enteen’s suspension that followed in the wake of his comments. Here’s the start of the story:

The Washington Commanders suspended an employee after a video on social media showed him making disparaging comments about players, fans and NFL commissioner Roger Goodell.

Commanders vice president of content Rael Enteen said in the video posted by O’Keefe Media Group that some players were dumb and homophobic. O’Keefe Media Group said the videos were recorded by an undercover journalist during two dates after the journalist matched with Enteen on a dating app. The journalist was not named but can be heard on the video.

In the video, Enteen says, “Over 50 percent of our roster is white religious and God says, ‘F— the gays.’ Their interpretation. I don’t buy any of that. Another big chunk is low-income African Americans that come from a community that is inherently very homophobic.”

Shortly after the video was released, the Commanders released a statement condemning Enteen’s words, saying “The language used in the video runs counter to our values at the Commanders organization.” The statement said that the Commanders have suspended Enteen pending an internal investigation into the matter.