The division between red and blue has become increasingly blurred, leaving some to consider whether this development could be beneficial. After all, we reside in a world recognized for its cultural amalgamation, often called the melting pot.

When you mix red with blue, violet emerges.

Ironically, add one letter to this color, and you have the word violent. Not surprisingly, in a presidential election year, both ends of the political spectrum have shown a noticeable increase in the use of aggressive and inflammatory language.

There are as many fact-checkers who notice distorted lines and exaggerations as there are liars or, more politely put, strategic speakers who promote an agenda rather than “We the People.”

Society’s moral code is being manipulated.

Those engineering change busy Americans with theatrics. The machine behind scripted smiles pumps citizens with cheap dopamine. We behave like teens at a crowded concert, jumping for ‘joy’ and expending our vote for just enough time as the ticket we paid allows.

The machine has become so proficient at dangling the carrot of ‘hope’ in front of us that we fail to realize we are the prey. This contradiction has become transparent to the point that we barely notice it anymore. In this, the machine has succeeded and will continue to do so.

For example, look at the remarkable Sen. Tammy Duckworth.

Her fight and love for America is courageous and honorable, regardless of what side of the political spectrum you’re on. Her speech on the second night of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) was inspiring.

Her story was relatable when she gave her testimony about how IVF changed her life. Duckworth confided that her “struggle with infertility was more painful than any wound I earned on the battlefield.”

Like so many, Duckworth shared her battle to have children.

“After ten years of struggling with infertility, I was only able to have [my daughters] through the miracle of IVF. But now, Trump’s anti-woman crusade has put other American’s right to have their own families at risk.”

“It’s simple: Every American deserves the right to be called Mommy or Daddy without feeling like a criminal,” Duckworth said. She further noted the importance of legislation to help Americans “start families.”


Most people would agree that having children is a blessing that should not be taken away from those who desire the privilege of being a parent. It is horrifically painful, at multiple levels, when this opportunity is challenged, regardless of the reason, including infertility or not being able to afford adoption.

Cognitive dissonance arose at the DNC when they staged Duckworth to speak on IVF while something else was happening just a few blocks away: a Planned Parenthood mobile health clinic provided free medication abortion, vasectomies, and emergency contraception, reported PolitiFact. Although the convention did not sponsor these services, the timing seems unlikely to be a fluke or held unbeknownst to the DNC.

“It’s a great opportunity for us to show how when you have a state like Illinois that prioritizes healthcare access and passes a good policy that you can be creative and innovative in how you meet people’s healthcare needs,” Dr. Colleen McNicholas said of the strategic placement of the mobile unit near the DNC, reported NPR.

If the DNC opposed the mobile unit’s presence, the powers that be would have sufficient influence to have the unit taken away. However, in Illinois, the state government, largely under Democratic control, has emerged as a primary destination for people seeking abortion services.

On a quirky side note, how strange is it that Dilatation and Curettage, often abbreviated as D&C, sounds like DNC when spoken aloud?

D&C abortion procedures are performed in operating rooms and take less than 10 minutes. Whoa, less than 10 minutes… twice as long as it will take you to read this editorial.

But I digress, back to Duckworth.

Duckworth referred to IVF as a miracle, and it is indeed a profound medical marvel. Period. There is no argument.

Let’s back up: the miracle of life itself transcends the scope of medicine and delves into the core of humanity. Life is a miracle from our creator, and we do not hold the title of God despite living in a world where many attempt to play the role.

It must be asked: How many babies were aborted in that mobile unit that could have been birthed, then accepted and loved into a family desperately wanting to adopt?

Dr. McNicholas informed The New York Post previously that Planned Parenthood intended to perform a combined total of 25 medicated abortions on August 19 and August 20 at the mobile unit.

Let’s be clear: There are medical reasons for abortion, especially when the baby or mother’s life is in peril. I believe cases involving rape and incest may also qualify, but this is too debatable to discuss under the word limit. I’m not claiming to have a market on the correct answer; I want to foster points for consideration. Not all abortions are performed due to medical necessity. For the purpose of this editorial, when abortion is mentioned, I’m only addressing abortions that occur by healthy women who are carrying healthy babies in situations that do not involve rape or incest.

To follow a similar line of urging to Duckworth’s, how many aborted babies’ cries for “Mommy” or “Daddy” were snuffed before they were ever allowed to be spoken?

Could it not be argued on behalf of those seeking to adopt that abortions are a crusade that, as Duckworth said about IVF, “has put other Americans’ right to have their own families at risk,” especially when people desperately yearning to be parents see healthy babies being aborted?

Add to the imagery of aborting a baby for free in a mobile unit next to a taco truck and a Chicago Abortion Fund table offering candy, goodie bags, painkillers, and cards of affirmation, per The Post, and you have a distasteful picture. Oh, and don’t forget the inflatable IUD blown up for our viewing pleasure by the Americans for Contraception Education Fund, as reported by Fox News.

This “party environment” insults ALL involved. I understand the desired aim, but it was well off target. No joke.

Such lightness trivializes the seriousness of the situation for the women undergoing the abortion who are experiencing a wide range of emotions and stress, both physical and mental.

Let’s not forget the possible impact on the other parent and family members who may not wish the child to be aborted.

And what about those who would have dearly wanted to adopt one of the 25 aborted babies before their heartbeats were intentionally stopped?

Last but not least, let’s grieve the loss of the sanctity of life and the death of all the potential days from infancy to old age that the child could and should have lived.

This comes full circle to Duckworth mentioning the importance of legislation that helps Americans “start families.”

I believe in her sincerity.

Yet, a machine greater than Duckworth is dangling a carrot capable of transforming us into prisoners of our own demise, and we may be jumping right into our moral downfall like a teen at a concert hyped on cheap dopamine.

When did “We the People” become “We the Manipulated”?