Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan is seemingly retaliating against the Orange County Republican Party by evicting it from its offices, according to a recent report by the Texas Scorecard:

“In a letter first noted by Kevin Steele of 1813 News, Phelan Investments told his local GOP they must be out of the space by July 5 and “must continue to pay rent until this date.” No reason is given for the eviction.

“’You are required to vacate and surrender possession of the premises to the undersigned on or before the above date, free of all occupants and personal possessions. A final bill for all unpaid rental amounts will for forwarded to this address in the coming days,’ writes Michael A. Phelan, the speaker’s uncle, noting that the party had been leasing the space since at least Dec. 1, 2019.

“In social media posts, district residents said they were not surprised by Phelan‘s actions.”

As previously reported by The Dallas Express, Phelan barely survived his party primary after angering Republican voters with his support of appointing Democrats to serve as committee chairs in the House, as well as his ill-fated effort to have Attorney General Ken Paxton impeached.

To read the entire article by the Texas Scorecard, please click HERE.