Anti-Israel protesters at Stanford University were arrested after broke into the Stanford president’s office, a report by NBC News said:

“In the latest provocative campus action calling for divestment from Israel in the wake of the country’s war with Hamas, students and alumni entered President Richard Saller’s office about 5:30 a.m. PT, according to the group’s spokesperson.

“They vowed to “remain inside the building and are refusing to leave until their demands are met,” the spokesperson said in a statement.

“But within three hours, the building appeared to be back in university control after campus police and Santa Clara County Sheriff’s deputies took action, officials said.

“We are appalled and deeply saddened by the actions that occurred on our campus earlier today,” according to a joint statement from the university president and Provost Jenny Martinez.

“A campus police officer was injured by protesters during the clear-out, and damage was “done inside the building” along with “extensive graffiti vandalism on the sandstone buildings and columns of the Main Quad,” the Stanford administrators said.”

To read the entire article on NBC News, click HERE.