Bo French has called out what he sees as Fort Worth-based Texas A&M Law School’s attempts to “assist in gender transitions and illegal immigration here in Tarrant County.”

“It came to light recently that A&M Law hosts name change and gender marker change clinics for gender-confused people here in Fort Worth. Fun fact – their clinics are hosted in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram … building if that tells you anything! Their support for radical gender ideology goes further,” French wrote in a post on X.

“The school partners with the Dallas LGBT Bar Association … which hosts similar legal clinics for people who want to transition in Dallas and Frisco. But they don’t just support the radical LGBT agenda — they’re awarded for it. A&M Law Faculty member Brian Larson … boasts that he received the ‘Aggie Allies Rainbow Award.'”

The Tarrant GOP chairman identified several faculty members and private institutions that had allegedly worked to aid in gender transitions.

Next, he pivoted to immigration.

“The radicalism being pushed by A&M Law here in Tarrant County doesn’t stop at trans ideology, but even includes work supporting illegal immigration. Faculty Member Fatma Marouf … leads ‘immigration clinics’ also at the Star-Telegram building, helping illegals remain in our county. It should also be noted that she is a board member of ACLU Texas …, [a] radical left group suing Texas for attempting to close the border, protecting children from genital mutilation surgery, and more.”

French concluded his tweet with a call to action directed at the governor.

“Recently Governor Abbott … threatened to withhold funds from Texas A&M when they decided to enforce Biden’s radical new Title IX policy. The University receives over $1 billion per year from the State of Texas through the Permanent University Fund. Perhaps he will look into A&M Law and decide that it needs to tighten its belt.”

This is not the first time the law school’s immigration activities have come under scrutiny. A recent headline in Current Revolt reads, “Is Texas A&M Aiding An Alien Invasion?”

The story included a digest of various, now deleted, resources on the university website that could help illegal immigrants. These resources included a number of groups and faculty members who could help illegal immigrants receive aid and other benefits.

Current Revolt’s piece, which was partly editorial and partly investigative, saw A&M as a vector of illegal immigration that worked to counter the governor’s ongoing border security efforts. After enumerating other alleged scandals at the university, the piece suggested seizing the university’s endowments in order to help secure the border.

Law school groups that exist to help those claiming to be transgender are common in universities. One of the most prominent is OUTlaw (sometimes spelled ‘OUTLaw’ or ‘OutLaw’). Like A&M, the organization has chapters at numerous Texas universities like UT and SMU, and out-of-state universities like The University of Tulsa.

Responses to French’s post were mixed.

“GIG ‘EM Aggies! Way to be amazing human beings ensuring other human beings have rights and choices! Love my alma mater!!!!,” a comment for user @Carolesgloves reads.

“I don’t think most of the other alumni agree that grooming kids then abusing them with horrific butchery is a good thing,” French responded.

“Proud to be an Aggie, class of ’80,” @pixsmith, another reactor, said. “Groomer alert,” French responded.

“As a former student at what is now A&M, I had hoped that [Texas A&M Law School] would become the George Mason of the west, but instead, it has been content to be the SMU of Tarrant County. What a waste,” Warren Norred, an Arlington-based attorney, wrote.

The Dallas Express contacted Professor Brian Larson, whom French implicated. He responded to each claim in French’s post.

Larson rejected the notion that A&M Law hosted a name change and gender marker change clinics for gender-confused people in Fort Worth.

“This is incorrect. The host of the single clinic held on March 30 was the OUTLaw student group. That group is made up of LGBTQ+ students and their allies who seek equality and justice for folks without regard to their sex, gender, or sexuality. OUTLaw does not consider the clinic’s clients to be confused at all about their gender identities,” he said to The Dallas Express.

Larson sees the lack of advertising of the event as a buttress to his point that this was a student group’s outside action.

“The lack of advertising on TAMU’s site is notable only as evidence that TAMU Law was not the sponsor of the event; OUTLaw was. Student groups are generally responsible for promoting their own events and can’t rely on the school to do so for them,” he said.

Regarding an alleged partnership with the Dallas LGBT Bar Association, Larson also disagreed.

“Again, incorrect. As far as I know, the law school was not formally involved in putting on the clinic. TAMU law does have a large number of student groups who represent a wide variety of social and political views, including the Christian Legal Society, the Federalist Society, and OUTLaw. The law school, and Texas A&M generally, vigorously supports our students exercising their freedom of speech and right to petition the government for redress of grievances,” he said.

“The school allows students to use university facilities for these activities, consistent with state law and university policy. The student groups themselves are generally mutually respectful; rather than sending hecklers or protesters into Federalist Society presentations, for example, OUTLaw has scheduled counter programming.”

Regarding the Aggie Allies Rainbow Award, Larson denies boasting about it.

“I’m not sure whether and where I’ve boasted about the fact, but I am proud of it. I received that award in 2021, after I had served as faculty advisor to the OUTLaw student group since 2017. Comments from nominators noted that I worked hard to make students feel welcome at the school. I believe (and certainly hope) that my conservative students, of whom there are quite a few, also feel welcome here.”

The Dallas Express also contacted the governor, Marouf, and the university for comment, but no responses were received by the time of publication.

Texas A&M University was previously exposed in a DX investigation for potentially violating a state DEI ban. Although the university immediately scrapped a job description that included DEI language, it took weeks to issue a response that denied any wrongdoing.