Reps. Ilhan Omar and Cori Bush deleted their Memorial Day tweets after they appeared to confuse the holiday with Veterans Day, prompting criticism from social media users.

The two members of Congress shared and then quickly deleted tweets on Monday referencing Memorial Day but honoring living veterans.

“On Memorial Day, we honor the heroic men and women who served our country,” Omar (D-MN) wrote. “We owe them more than our gratitude — they have more than earned access to quality mental health services, job opportunities, housing assistance, and the benefits they were promised.”

“This Memorial Day and every day, we honor our veterans in St. Louis,” Bush (D-MO) wrote. “We must invest in universal healthcare, affordable housing, comprehensive mental health services, and educational and economic opportunities for our veterans as we work to build a world free of war and violence.”

X users quickly noted that the tweets appeared to confuse the holiday with Veterans Day.

“Cori Bush [just] deleted this,” Ryan Saavedra, an investigative reporter for The Daily Wire, tweeted with a screenshot of Bush’s deleted post. “Memorial Day is for honoring those who have died while serving in the U.S. military. Veterans Day, which is in November, is for honoring everyone who has served in the U.S. Military and is largely intended to thank living veterans.”

“Rep. Ilhan Omar and Rep. Cori Bush just deleted their Memorial Day tweets after revealing they have no clue what it is,” End Wokeness tweeted.

“Ilhan Omar thinks Memorial Day is about celebrating people who are alive. Beyond parody,” David Hookstead, a writer for Outkick, tweeted.

The offices of Omar and Bush did not respond to a request for comment.

The lawmakers are members of the “Squad,” the most left-wing faction of House Democrats. Each member received a boost in donations after calling for a ceasefire in Gaza this year, as reported by The 19th.

“Ilhan Omar misunderstanding Memorial Day is incredibly on brand,” John Hasson tweeted.