Carroll Independent School District’s lawsuit over President Joe Biden’s changes to Title IX has received public support from Grapevine-based activist company and wireless provider Patriot Mobile.

As previously reported by The Dallas Express, the Biden administration’s revision to Title IX, set to take effect in August, will expand discrimination protections to include sexual orientation and gender identity.

Carroll ISD’s Board of Trustees unanimously passed a resolution condemning the modifications earlier this month.

“The CISD Board of Trustees denounces the recent changes to Title IX regulations proposed by the Biden administration, expressing deep concern over the potential negative impact on our students and community,” the resolution read, as reported by The Dallas Express.

“By using ‘gender identity’ to determine sex, the Biden administration is essentially discrediting the notion there is a biological difference between male and female. It is a false narrative that will end up doing the exact opposite of the underlying purpose of Title IX, the protection of women’s rights,” CISD Board President Cameron Bryan told DX.

On Tuesday, Alliance Defending Freedom, a Christian legal advocacy group, filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of CISD challenging the Biden administration’s rule change.

“As ADF attorneys explain, the Department of Education’s fundamental and radical rewriting of federal law forces schools across the country to embrace a controversial gender ideology that harms children — including the very children it claims to help,” ADF said in a statement announcing the lawsuit.

Following that announcement, Patriot Mobile weighed in with a public statement expressing support for the school board’s stance.

“Not only does [the rule change] violate student and teacher’s First Amendment rights with regard to forced speech in pronoun usage, but it also endangers students and young women in locker rooms and restrooms. Biden’s unlawful overreach is a smack in the face to every hard-working female athlete that has dedicated a lifetime to their sport,” Patriot Mobile Chief Communications Officer Leigh Wambsganss said in the news release.

“The 1972 Title IX protections were put in place to create equal opportunities for female students in education and athletics. The April 19, 2024, Biden administration expansion of Title IX unlawfully redefines ‘sex’ to include ‘gender identity.’ Patriot Mobile leadership made a strong statement condemning the action,” the press release argues.

Patriot Mobile Chief Operations Officer Jenny Story stated that Patriot Mobile has long supported Alliance Defending Freedom because “they successfully defend the right to live and speak the truth.”

“Patriot Mobile is America’s only Christian conservative wireless provider, and we give a portion of every dollar we earn to groups like ADF that are working hard to protect our God-given rights and freedoms,” Story said.

But proponents claim altering the rule is a move to uphold those same American ideals.

“For more than 50 years, Title IX has promised an equal opportunity to learn and thrive in our nation’s schools free from sex discrimination,” Education Secretary Miguel Cardona said when the Title IX changes were announced. “These final regulations build on the legacy of Title IX by clarifying that all our nation’s students can access schools that are safe, welcoming, and respect their rights.”

Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, likewise applauded the modification.

“We look forward to additional final guidance that protects all students from politically motivated blanket bans—banning books, banning history, banning certain students because of sexuality or gender identity—which have no place in a country that believes in freedom and equality,” she said in a statement.