One of former President Donald Trump’s potential running mates is seemingly reversing his position on how to handle the illegal alien crisis, according to a report by Fox News:

“Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla, shifted gears from his previous stance on former President Trump’s deportation plans, which he had panned as ‘not a workable plan.’

“‘Yes,’ Rubio said during an appearance on NBC’s ‘Meet the Press’ Sunday, where he was asked whether he supports Trump’s plan to use the military to deport illegal immigrants from the country. ‘We cannot absorb 25, 30 million people who entered this country illegally. They’re here illegally, what country on earth could tolerate that?’

“The comments were seemingly in stark contrast to Rubio’s previous stance on the issue, most notably as a primary rival of Trump’s in 2015. Then, Rubio was critical of the Trump plan to round up and deport the millions of illegal immigrants living in the United States.

“‘We have 12 or 13 million human beings who have been here for a long time. There’s not really a realistic way of rounding up and deporting 12 or 13 million people and our nation wouldn’t want to do that anyway. It does need to be addressed and it does need to be addressed in a series of manners; we’re not going to be able to do it in one big piece of legislation — we learned that two years ago, the last time we tried,’ Rubio said while campaigning in Iowa in 2015, according to a report from Politico.”

To read the entire article by Fox News, please click HERE.