Dallas resident Scottie Scheffler, a Highland Park High School and University of Texas alumni, has reportedly been arrested for briefly dragging a police officer with his vehicle in a possible freak occurrence outside Valhalla Golf Course in Louisville, Kentucky, according to a report by Fox News:

“Scheffler drove past a police officer in his SUV with markings on the door indicating it was a PGA Championship vehicle. The officer screamed at him to stop and then attached himself to the car until Scheffler stopped his vehicle about 10 yards later.

“ESPN reporter Jeff Darlington characterized it as a ‘misunderstanding with traffic flow’ as authorities were investigating a traffic fatality earlier in the morning.

“‘Scheffler was then walked over to the police car, placed in the back, in handcuffs, very stunned about what was happening, looked toward me as he was in those handcuffs and said, ‘Please help me,’ Darlington said on ESPN’s ‘SportsCenter.’ ‘He very clearly did not know what was happening in the situation. It moved very quickly, very rapidly, very aggressively.'”

Scheffler was released from jail and made it to the tournament around 9 a.m. local time.

To read the entire article by Fox News, please click HERE.