Fox News is reporting on a self-identified socialist who serves as an alderman in Chicago after some of her anti-police social media activity was uncovered:

“A socialist member of Chicago’s city council believes that the idea of using police to ensure safe streets and punishing criminals is ‘racist’ while calling America a ‘garbage society.’

“Rossana Rodriguez is an alderwoman on Chicago’s city council who supports defunding the police and caucuses with the Democratic Socialists. The alderwoman, who explicitly calls for ‘critical race theory‘ to be taught to children, is also involved in the council’s Education and Child Development committee.

“The alderwoman repeatedly blasts American society in her frequent social media tirades.

“According to the councilmember, America is ‘a garbage society’ and ‘a White supremacist society and system’ that ‘favors White people.’ Rodriguez believes that ‘White people are ahead in the game’ in comparison to minority groups.'”

To read the entire article by Fox News, please click HERE.