The unlawful migration crisis at the southern border has reportedly claimed another victim, prompting one Florida sheriff to blast President Joe Biden for his purportedly lax approach to border security, according to a report by RedState:

“A sheriff in Palm Beach County, Florida, is pointing fingers at the Biden administration for its failure to address the border crisis following an alleged sexual assault on an 11-year-old girl by a 20-year-old illegal immigrant. Marvin Dionel Perez Lopez, a Guatemalan national, is accused of the crime. He was reportedly released by Border Patrol agents into the United States despite entering the country illegally from Mexico.

“Sheriff Ric Bradshaw slammed the Biden administration’s lax border policies, intimating that they led to the crime. Perez Lopez was arrested for assaulting the girl after her mother caught him in the act.”

To read the entire RedState article, please click HERE.