The Wall Street Journal is reporting that former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz and his successor Laxman Narasimhan may be at odds over the direction the company has been heading:

“It all exploded into public view Sunday night when Schultz wrote a LinkedIn post that read like an open letter to shareholders criticizing how Narasimhan and his senior leaders were running the business. On the heels of the company’s weak earnings report, the 70-year-old declared that Starbucks had to improve service to its U.S. customers. He challenged executives to tie on one of the chain’s signature green aprons and better root themselves in the coffee giant’s history and culture.

“’Don’t try to do everything at once,’ he wrote. ‘Leaders must model both humility and confidence as they work to restore trust and increase performance across the organization,'” per WSJ.

To read the entire article by The Wall Street Journal, click HERE.