FORT WORTH — Texas House candidate Cheryl Bean held two campaign events on Wednesday with Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller.

The first was a block-walk party in Ridglea Country Club Estates, while the second was billed as a border event at Mira Vista Country Club.

Bean and Miller door-knocked voters’ homes during the block-walk party, letting voters know about the upcoming runoff election and asking them to support Bean.

“She missed winning it outright by 56 votes,” Miller told a voter while door-knocking with Bean.

Bean is running against John McQueeney to fill the House seat in District 97 vacated by State Rep. Craig Goldman (R-Fort Worth). Bean has been endorsed by Republican leaders, including Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Texas Land Commissioner Dawn Buckingham, while McQueeney has been endorsed by Gov. Greg Abbott.

At the Mira Vista border event, Miller discussed why he is supporting Bean over McQueeney.

“Too many politicians and not enough statesmen,” Miller said. “You want to vote for Cheryl because she is pro-life, pro-God, pro-gun, pro-business, pro-Constitution, she’s pro-Trump, and she’s anti-Biden. That’s all you need to know.”


When asked about voters registered without IDs and securing our elections, Bean mentioned the need for legislation to prevent unlawful migrants from voting.

“We need to pass a law that you have to be a legal citizen to vote. I am horrified to say that was presented to the House this past session and out of five sessions, they could not pass it,” Bean said.

Miller revealed a plan to secure the border.

“So, I’ve got a plan to fix the border and its fool proof. I promise you it’ll work. Anybody wanna know what the plan is? Alright, here it is, here is how we fix the border. We re-elect Donald Trump,” Miller told the audience. “He fixed it before. He had it down to a trickle — the lowest it’s been in 70 years. He’s already got everything in place we just have to get him back in office.”

Bean also commented on border issues, noting that the “cartels are terrorists. In fact, they are the largest and fiercest terrorist group in the entire world,” she said.

She highlighted the differences between herself and her opponent, claiming that her background in defense with Lockheed Martin makes her more qualified to tackle the border crisis.

“If you wanna secure the border, you have a choice. You can choose someone who’s an expert because they flipped hamburgers in … Texas 10 years ago, or you can choose someone that has a lifetime of defense experience, that did threat assessments, that had all kinds of high-security levels, and did the kind of analysis of advanced technology and how you can counter those threats,” Bean said.

Early voting for the Republican primary runoff election is May 20-24, and election day is May 28.