Council Member Jesse Moreno of District 2 ended up coming in last in the latest Dallas Derby, earning the poorest marks from the residents he represents for his effectiveness or lack thereof.

Moreno’s ranking stems from The Dallas Express’ March “Rate Your Council Member” survey, in which respondents living in District 2 let their council member have it.

Respondents to the survey, which is conducted every month, were asked to rate their Dallas City Council representative on a scale of 0-10 based on their performance in crime reduction, homelessness reduction, aggressive panhandling reduction, litter reduction and city cleanliness, street repairs and maintenance, and park maintenance and cleanliness. Click here to read about how DX arrived at its rankings.

Moreno’s lowest scores were in the categories of crime reduction, reducing aggressive panhandling, and city cleanliness. Survey respondents awarded him a 0.3 out of 10 on average in all three categories.

He also received a very low mark for homelessness reduction, earning only a 0.5, despite his being very vocal about the scale of the problem and the City’s inability thus far to handle the issue, as previously reported by DX.

The council member’s highest scores were for park maintenance and cleanliness and street repair and maintenance. He got a 1 out of 10 on average in those categories.

His overall average in the March survey was 0.5, bringing his year-to-date average since the start of the year to 1.5 out of 10.

DX reached out to Council Member Moreno, but he could not immediately be reached for comment. However, this article will be updated if one is provided.

If you are a Dallas resident, please click here to take April’s “Rate Your Council Member” survey so your Dallas City Council members know how you feel about their performance. Also, be sure to spread the word and refer any friends or family who live in Dallas.