Local activists convened on Thursday to discuss a Capitol Hill press conference in Washington, D.C. relating to the United States’ relationship with the World Health Organization.

Frank Gaffney Jr. addressed a room of attendees via livestream on the evening of April 18. Discussion focused on how the federal government was allegedly handing over Americans’ rights to the World Health Organization (WHO). Citizens Defending Freedom of Collin County hosted the event, and the evening was moderated by America Can We Talk host and Republican National Convention committeewoman candidate Debbie Georgatos.

Gaffney is the founder and executive chairman of the Center for Security Policy in Washington, D.C. The non-profit, non-partisan educational corporation analyzes national and international foreign and defense policy matters. He also hosts Secure Freedom Radio, a nationally syndicated radio program that provides commentary on national security and foreign policy matters.

He explained that the press conference included such names as Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI); Matt Schlapp, chair of the Conservative Political Action Conference, better known as CPAC; Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council; Kris Ullman, president of Eagle Forum; Reggie Littlejohn, founder and president of Women’t Rights Without Frontiers; Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder of Tea Party Patriots, and members of the House.

The press conference’s attendees issued an urgent call to action for citizens and state legislatures regarding allegations that the WHO is trying to strip the United States of its sovereignty when it comes to certain policies. Gaffney explained that the potential abuse of such power could result in far-reaching damage to American citizens.

Georgatos claimed that two amendments that will be voted on by the World Health Assembly on May 27 would essentially allow Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the WHO, “to create America’s pandemic policy.”

Ghebreyesus is not a medical doctor, having only earned a PhD in philosophy. He is the first non-medical doctor in the WHO’s 72-year history to hold the position of director-general, per Reuters.

Georgatos told The Dallas Express, “The consequence of these amendments being passed is that America is actually surrendering its sovereignty of our healthcare system, pandemic policy, and a whole host of other policies.”

The Biden administration is purportedly negotiating amendments to the WHO’s International Health Regulations, which Georgatos and Gaffney claimed would actually function as treaties that need to be signed off on by the Senate.

“Whatever these guys cook up at the World Health Organization should be brought to the Senate for consent or disapproval. That is the safety value of the framers of our Consitution. The framers understood that power could be abused,” explained Gaffney. “The Senate must have a vote.”

Georgatos further explained that the ideas being sold by the WHO would, for example, allow Ghebreyesus the authority to “declare a pandemic exists, which is a scientific declaration, and what measures are needed to fight it — are we going to have mask mandates, shelter in place, shut down transportation — all the things that America’s policymakers had to do for America, we would be agreeing that the World Health Organization would do for us. The mandates would not be voluntary if we sign on to these amendments.”

These “treaties” would give “unprecedented power to declare whatever [Ghebreyesus] deems to be actual or potential ‘public health emergencies of international concern,’” the breadth of the language under consideration states, per the Sovereignty Collection.

“You have to think about how deep this is. This includes things like climate change,” said Georgatos.

Gaffney agreed with Georgatos, expounding on the potential to abuse the language. Gaffney stated that Ghebreyesus has already shared what he considers to be “public health emergencies of international concern.”

“Just to give you a quick sample, see if any of these are a little troubling: [Ghebreyesus] thinks climate change is a global health emergency and an international concern. He thinks migration, not to be confused with immigration or illegal immigration, is such a thing. He thinks transgender issues, our reproductive rights, poverty, instability, and gun violence” is such a thing, Gaffney said.

“I would be willing to wager that if Tedros Ghebreyesus can tell us what we have to do about gun violence… he would confiscate the guns… your guns, folks,” said Gaffney. “I honestly believe what they are doing here is so egregious, so unacceptable, so unconstitutional, among other things.”

“People who want to fight this need to have their voices heard now. Go to sovereigntycoalition.org. There is a simple petition, and it is so easy. Tell your members in Congress that you don’t want this to happen in America,” Georgatos told The Dallas Express.