Texas finds itself in a troubling position as the state with the highest number of speeding fatalities in an urban setting, according to a recent study.

Despite ranking eighth overall in speeding-related deaths nationwide with 5.22 speeding fatalities per 100,000, the Lone Star State faces a pressing need to address this alarming trend.

A study conducted by personal injury lawyers at Munley Law provided to the Houston Chronicle has shed light on the gravity of the situation. Analyzing fatalities linked to speeding across various states, the report underscores the persistent challenge of curbing speeding-related fatalities across the country.

The study provides a comprehensive overview of the prevalence of speeding-related deaths nationwide by analyzing the number of speeding-related traffic fatalities and adjusting for each state’s population.

“This study emphasizes the ongoing challenge of addressing speeding-related fatalities nationwide. While each state faces unique conditions, the common thread is the undeniable impact of responsible driving behavior on road safety,” said a spokesperson for Munley Law.

According to the study, South Carolina leads the nation with the highest rate of fatalities stemming from speeding crashes, with over nine deaths per 100,000 residents. Joining South Carolina at the top of the list are New Mexico, Wyoming, Montana, Missouri, Louisiana, Alabama, Texas, Arizona, and Arkansas. Conversely, Massachusetts boasts the lowest rate of speeding-related fatalities, with fewer than two deaths per 100,000 residents.

“Speeding significantly contributes to road fatalities, particularly in states like South Carolina and New Mexico,” the spokesperson for Munley Law said. “These findings serve as a critical reminder of the need for drivers to respect speed limits and drive cautiously to protect themselves and others on the road.”

In July 2023, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) partnered with advocates and experts to launch its “Speeding Wrecks Lives” speeding prevention campaign.

“Speeding accounts for nearly one-third of all fatalities on our roads and puts everyone at risk, including people in other vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and people with disabilities,” said NHTSA Acting Administrator Ann Carlson in a press release at the time. “NHTSA reminds everyone to slow down and arrive safely – it’s better to arrive a few minutes late than not at all.”