Sen. Ted Cruz said that George Soros is spending millions to defeat him, and if Texas falls to the Democrats, the United States will also perish.

Cruz (R-TX) was speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News when he said, “We are facing $100 million on the other side. We are facing Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden, and George Soros, and they want to take me out because if they flip Texas, the country’s gone.”

Recent campaign disclosures show that the left-wing former investor and philanthropist, who uses his wealth to promote things like DEI and environmentalism, as well as soft-on-criminals district attorneys, has so far donated $2,56 million to several Texas political action committees in the latter half of 2023, reported the Texas Scorecard.

As The Dallas Express reported last August, the great majority of Soros’ contributions in the state have gone toward efforts to elect Democrats.

Soros purportedly hopes his largesse will help defeat Cruz this election cycle. The junior Texas senator will likely face Rep. Colin Allred (D-TX) if the latter wins the Democratic primary in March, as reported by The Texas Tribune.

Top Republicans in the state, like Gov. Greg Abbott, have pointed to Soros as an example of how leftist ideology has allegedly been infiltrating a once solidly red state. Posting on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, the governor wrote last August, “George Soros thinks he can buy Texas. We aren’t for sale!”

Democrats in the Lone Star State have not been shy about touting Soros for not just his funding but his purported wisdom.

“George Soros is a person who knows what’s at stake in the election we face,” Cameron County Democratic Party chair Jared Hockema said, according to the Texas Tribune. Cameron suggested that since Soros is a Holocaust survivor, his activities in Texas were aimed at combatting the “specter of authoritarianism and fascism.”