Top Gun Heating and Air’s ecommerce platform was launched in March 2020 and features an estimating tool that allows consumers to place orders for fully installed heating and cooling systems directly online.

The ecommerce store was so successful that they ran into equipment shortages. The company acquired a brand new 2,000 square foot rental building and maintained a restocked quantity of their products and parts throughout the Texas summer months.


Their digital platform and resourcefulness allowed them to score a record year as new orders poured in. Top Gun Heating and Air remained dedicated to serving the Dallas-Fort Worth area residents while troubleshooting supply chain issues and maintaining their inventory.

Jon Riddle Owner Top Gun Heating and Air said, “I think what sets us apart from other HVAC businesses is we aren’t afraid to go against the grain to better serve our customers. We have gotten a ton of negative feedback from other local Fort Worth AC companies for publishing prices online, but we keep focused on serving our customers’ needs and not the competition.”

Top Gun Heating and Air is a personal, family-owned business dedicated to providing reliable, year-round temperature and air quality control systems.

Visit the Keller-location Top Gun Heating And Air website to learn how they can assist in all of your HVAC system needs.