Leo Whelan, a grandfather of students in the Highland Park Independent School District, has asked the district to stop including critical race theory (CRT) in the curriculum, calling it “garbage,” “divisive,” and “un-American.”

“Kids should learn to read, write and handle math,” Whelan told Dallas Express. “Teachers can teach them to think, but I think it’s very harmful to teachers trying to teach children how to think. Additionally, children’s suicide, hospitalized depression, and mental illness are all on the rise due to the last year’s stress-induced by COVID-19. The kids don’t need to be put in a racist box by the schools.”

Whelan spoke at the March 23 school board meeting about his concerns. He told the Dallas Express that the school’s director of communications has been in touch with him regarding the topic.

“…We had a very frank, respectful discussion with regard to CRT,” he said.

Whelan has lived in the Park Cities for almost 30 years. He believes the most control parents can have regarding the school board is the board election in May.


Whelan supports Kelli Macatee, an opponent of critical race theory.

Civil rights activist Robert Woodson has called critical race theory “more lethal than the old racism.”

“There used to be an exotic discussion among academics on campuses. Now that has leaked into the mainstream society, and it’s being now the defining issue, that we should look at each other not by the content of our character, but the color [of our] skin or our gender,” he said.

Author Chris Rufo, who has chronicled critical race theory across the U.S., wrote that “training sessions in public agencies have pushed a deeply ideological agenda that includes reducing people to a racial essence, segregating them, and judging them by their group identity rather than individual character, behavior and merit.”

Federal diversity trainer Howard Ross was paid to teach federal employees that America was “built on the backs of people who were enslaved” and that all white Americans are complicit in a system of white supremacy “by automatic response to the ways we’re taught.”

The Trump administration banned federally-funded CRT training, but President Joe Biden rescinded the ban on his first day in office.

Last week, State. Rep. James White (R-Houston) introduced a bill in the state house that would ban critical race theory in state K-12 schools.