As technologies advance, the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCG) takes steps to stay ahead of the automated and connected vehicles technological curve.

The program aims to assist local governments in planning transportation-related technologies, including automated and connected vehicles.

Currently, the public is encouraged to participate in the project and share perspectives about the region’s transportation needs and opportunities to address those needs using automated transportation technologies. Residents can learn more about the planning effort, including opportunities to participate in workshops, virtual public meetings, and focus groups.

The Automated Vehicles 2.0 program (AV2.0) will build on the region’s national leadership in automation and technology and recent public-private partnerships to support its growth and readiness. AV2.0 is a $31 million program divided into three parts: AV2.1, AV2.2, and AV2.3.

AV2.0 seeks to make mobility planning resources available, help communities prepare for the implementation of transportation technology, and prepare for future uses in transportation.

NCTCG recently launched AV2.1, the $1 million “Connecting North Texas Communities with Emerging Transportation Technologies” initiative.

The AV2.1 planning phase, led by Kittelson & Associates, will assist local governments interested in preparing for and deploying the technologies. AV2.1 planning support is designed to build a broad agency and community understanding of opportunities and communicate ways emerging technologies can address transportation challenges.

The second element, AV2.2 ($10 million), supports the costs for near-term technology deployments over the next two to four years. For the same timeframe, AV2.3 will make $20 million available to implement regionally strategic investments.

NCTCOG is a voluntary association of, by, and for local governments to strengthen the individual and collective power of local governments and help them recognize regional opportunities, eliminate unnecessary duplication, and make joint decisions.