An employee at a major healthcare conglomerate was reportedly “horrified” at her employer’s “gender-affirming care” training, which said 3-year-olds can be transgender.

The Kaiser Permanente employee leaked the information, which was subsequently posted on the popular social media account Libs of Tiktok, and then published on Substack. The employee has chosen to remain anonymous out of concern for her job security, according to the report.

The employee said she was required to participate in training on “gender-affirming care.” The training told employees they must be able to “explain the importance of gender-affirming care to … patients.”

Employees were then required to watch a series of videos provided by the National Center for Transgender Equality. In one video, a biological boy introduces himself as a “transgender girl.”

“I was born a boy, but I always knew that I was a girl,” the child says. Later in the video, another child named Ronnie says his sibling is transgender.

“Ellie told us on her 4th birthday that she was a girl in her heart and her brain,” the child’s mother, Vanessa, says. The video identifies Ellie as a “transgender girl.”

The video features testimonies from transgender individuals discussing how they feel they have been marginalized by society and often feel unsafe.

State and local governments, along with the federal government and corporations, have been prominently celebrate transgender identification in recent months. During the month of June, recognized by many as LGBTQ+ Pride Month, the City of Dallas raised an official LGBTQ+ Pride flag at City Hall, as reported by The Dallas Express.

Kaiser Permanente claimed the training did not endorse chemical or surgical interventions for young children in a statement to Fox News.

“While the video includes two children speaking about how they view their gender identity, the video does not speak to any adolescent transgender care or treatment plans,” the statement said. “Kaiser Permanente does not provide hormone treatments or gender-affirming surgery to 3 and 4-year-olds.”

However, the popular West Coast healthcare provider publicly claims sex is “assigned at birth” and boasts its “pediatric gender care services.”

“Most children start to identify their gender around age 3,” the hospital claims. “For some people, their gender identity doesn’t match the sex they were assigned at birth.”

The hospital promotes “hormone therapy … puberty blockers … [and] surgery” as appropriate ways to pursue “gender affirmation.”

“There are different surgeries that can change the look and the function of your body. They can help your body match your gender identity,” the hospital website says.

Kaiser Permanente also promotes “nonmedical options for gender affirmation,” including “breast binding” and “penis tucking.”

The hospital is currently facing a lawsuit from Chloe Cole, a woman who formerly identified as transgender but has since “de-transitioned.” Surgeons at a Kaiser Permanente facility performed a double mastectomy on Cole when she was 15 years old.

Cole filed a lawsuit against Kaiser Permanente and several clinicians who treated her, claiming they ignored her mental health concerns.