AUSTIN — The impeachment trial of Attorney General Ken Paxton is underway as the Texas Senate convened to hear charges against a statewide-elected official for the first time in over 100 years.

Paxton faces 20 articles of impeachment that the House voted on back in May. The articles allege Paxton misused his office, was derelict in his duties, and subverted the lawful operation of government.

Sen. Angela Paxton (R-McKinney), Ken Paxton’s wife, was one of the first members to enter the chamber. She waved to supporters in the galleries.

As reported by The Dallas Express, Sen. Paxton will not be able to cast a vote to convict or acquit her husband, but she will be permitted to “be seated in the court of impeachment.”

Attorney General Paxton was also on the floor before the trial began, appearing to laugh and joke around with some members of his legal team, including Houston-based attorney Tony Buzbee. The attorney general’s appearance prompted applause from the galleries.

The whole room stood up when Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick entered the chamber. Patrick will serve as the presiding officer of the proceedings. He invited Sen. Phil King (R-Weatherford) to open the first day of the trial in prayer.

Texas Supreme Court Chief Justice Nathan Hecht then administered an oath to Lt. Gov. Patrick on San Houston’s Bible. Patrick swore to “impartially try” Paxton on the impeachment charges submitted by the House.

Similar oaths were then administered individually by Patrick to the senators who will act as the trial’s jury. The oath was not administered to Sen. Paxton due to her being functionally recused.

Sam Houston’s Bible is generally reserved for occasions such as inaugurations, but Lt. Gov. Patrick explained that he thought it would be appropriate to use it for the historic occasion before them.

Tables had been added in the Senate chamber for both Paxton’s team and the House’s board of impeachment managers. Patrick introduced all the members of the House’s team and Paxton’s team, asking them to stand as he introduced them.

For background on the impeachment, read articles by The Dallas Express.