A husband-and-wife political consultant duo is reportedly angling for leadership positions in the Texas Republican Party despite facing criticism as “Never Trumpers.”

Randan Steinhauser recently announced her campaign to represent Texas on the Republican National Committee.

Steinhauser’s website describes her as “an unapologetic counter-cultural Christian conservative.” The site also notes, “Over the last 15 years Randan Steinhauser has been at the center of conservative politics both at the national and state level.”

“As an advocate for educational freedom and parental rights, Randan works to advance meaningful public policy that supports pro-family values and limited government,” the campaign website adds.

Steinhauser received intraparty pushback for expressing in 2016 that she would not vote for Donald Trump for president, according to a report by the Texas Voice.

“Over the last few months my spirit has been broken,” she wrote on social media. “Seeing fellow Republicans line up behind a man that has: publicly supported abortion, given hundreds of thousands of dollars to democrats with liberal agendas, consistently berates and insults women, promotes a protectionist agenda, praises foreign dictators, and now openly brags about how he physically and sexually assaults women — I am at a loss.”

“The party ceases to make a difference when it becomes a vessel for one person more than a vessel of ideas,” she claimed. “No, I will not vote for Hillary Clinton. And no, I will not vote for Donald Trump.”

More recently, Steinhauser championed and worked as a consultant for congressional candidate Michael Wood. She shared a Politico article that suggested Wood “could blaze a trail for the anti-Trump GOP.”


Wood finished 9th in his election with 2,509 votes.

Nevertheless, Steinhauser has received the endorsement of many GOP grassroots stalwarts, including Rep. Tony Tinderholt (R-Arlington), former Texas Rep. Rick Green, podcaster Luke Macias, and political commentator Cary Cheshire.

A separate report by Current Revolt noted that Randan Steinhauser’s husband, Brendan Steinhauser, is being considered to take over as the executive director of the Texas GOP.

Brendan Steinhauser has also reportedly made anti-Trump comments and donated to “anti-Trump” politicians such as former Sen. Ben Sasse in 2018 and 2021. Sasse spoke openly against Trump and voted to convict him during both impeachment trials.

In July, Brendan Steinhauser shared an excerpt from an Axios article claiming that 60% of Americans do not want Trump to run again.

Texas GOP Chairman Matt Rinaldi confirmed to Current Revolt that Steinhauser is being considered but said that there are several other candidates and no decision had been made yet.

Claims that the Steinhausers are “anti-Trump” prompted Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller to say, “Fellow Texas Patriots, can you believe this?”

“Why in the world would we put two self-avowed anti-Trumpers (and anti-Sid Millers) into two of the most important leadership positions within the Republican Party of Texas?” he asked. “I will vehemently oppose the Steinhausers having any official role within the Texas GOP and I hope [Team Miller] will join me!”

“Her running for National Republican Committeewoman while he serves as E.D. of our party would be a massive conflict of interest and must not be allowed to happen,” Miller claimed.

“Both President Donald J. Trump and I will be carefully watching for developments!” he concluded.

Randan Steinhauser did not respond to a request for comment from The Dallas Express and has not publicly addressed the anti-Trump allegations.

However, after Commissioner Miller’s post, she shared on social media, “Wow! The last 48 hours have been super eventful.”

“I’ve booked 6 more speaking engagements, raised over $3,000, and tonight earned a ton of support from Harris County after my speech,” she wrote.

Steinhauser is set to face off against incumbent Toni Anne Dashiell, who has announced a re-election bid. Talk show host Debbie Georgatos has also launched a challenge for the seat.