The Secret Service has concluded its investigation into who brought a bag of cocaine into the White House, but the probe seems to have raised more questions than answers.

As The Dallas Express reported, a bag of cocaine was discovered in the White House over the Independence Day weekend. It was later determined that the substance was found in the West Wing of the White House, which is subject to tighter security than other parts of the building.

Dan Bongino, who was a Secret Service agent for over a decade, asserted that the Secret Service knows who left the cocaine. He added that succumbing to political pressure from the White House to bury its findings — as he believes the Secret Service did — reflects poorly on the agency.

“So there’s probably less than 200 people who could have left this cocaine, by the way, in a bag which is plastic, which is non-porous, meaning it’s probably not that hard to pull a latent print. They’ve got to know who did it. The question is, who’s pressuring them … to not find out who did it? And it’s gotta be coming from this White House. This is terrible. Don’t destroy this agency like the FBI. It’s really unbecoming,” Bongino told The Daily Signal.

Former NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik was also skeptical that the Secret Service could not identify the bag’s owner.

“They didn’t find anyone because they didn’t want to find anyone,” Kerik said, according to the New York Post.

The investigation was concluded last Thursday, 11 days after the illicit substance was discovered. Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi stated that they did not have enough evidence to constitute probable cause to question any suspects, according to the NY Post.

“We have no evidence to approach them,” Guglielmi said about what amounted to 500 possible suspects.

Investigators said they were unable to get fingerprints or DNA from the bag, per the NY Post.

“So, whoever had the cocaine, they wore gloves?” Kerik asked incredulously. “I doubt it. And the fact they have changed the location three times makes it evident they are trying to conceal and suppress where it was actually found.”

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley expressed her own suspicions regarding the investigation, reported the Washington Examiner.

“I strongly believe this is a cover-up for either Hunter [Biden] or someone very close to the president, and they don’t want to say who it is.”

While Congressional Republicans continue to press for answers, Democratic strategist Brad Bannon argued that it was time to move on from the issue, describing it as only being “big in the right-wing echo chamber,” according to the Washington Examiner.

“The Biden administration has much bigger fish to fry,” he said, per the Washington Examiner. “They’ve just undertaken a new initiative to sell their economic agenda and program, and rather than get caught up in whatever miscellaneous issues the Republicans bring up, the administration should focus on its top priorities.”