Freediving, Today’s Newest Water Sport

How long can you hold your breath?

Your answer helps decide if freediving is right for you.

Freediving is a new phenomenon that’s gaining popularity as more water enthusiasts seek a new and exciting challenge.

As a form of underwater diving, free divers hold their breath and typically do not use any scuba gear or breathing apparatus.

While diving without scuba gear has been done for centuries, now it is a competitive sport. The current record for deep freediving is quite extreme, coming in at more than 700 feet. These champions can hold their breath for a long time. The record for men is 11 minutes, while women can hold their breath for an astonishing nine minutes.

Beyond the extreme free divers, many people like the recreational aspect of underwater without any gear – just alone with the underwater world. Images of free divers in various poses are popping up on social media. Some underwater photographers are becoming famous for their stunning shots of divers standing on shipwrecks, coral reefs, and near marine life. Without a breathing apparatus and its bubbles, the underwater background is gorgeous.

Before you decide to jump in the water to freedive, there are some risks. As with any water sport, there is a danger of drowning. Some rookie free divers also report a “shallow-water blackout” and lose consciousness when ascending to the surface. To avoid these dangers, it is best to visit a diving school for proper training before freediving.