In a Fox News town hall Thursday night, former President Donald Trump once again took on the Washington, D.C., establishment on various issues, including shielding the Biden family from having to answer for their alleged misdeeds.

The former president compared his own treatment to that of the current White House occupant, saying he has faced “witch hunts” from the same “corrupt” justice system that shields the Bidens.

Trump referenced the alleged scandals involving Biden and his family, for which the current president has been able to avoid accountability. He spoke about how Biden allegedly got a Ukrainian prosecutor fired for investigating a natural gas company called Burisma Holdings, where Biden’s son Hunter was a board member. He pointed to the alleged Hunter Biden laptop and claimed the contents were so incriminating and “evil” that they should have been investigated.

Trump also spoke about his administration’s accomplishments and his intended agenda should he regain the presidency.

Touting his record while in office, Trump reminded the town hall audience in Clive, Iowa, that he “gave the farmers $28 billion.”

Trump noted that his main rival for the Republican nomination, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, has argued that he has the advantage of being able to serve eight consecutive years while Trump, having already served as president, is limited to just four. The former president said solving the nation’s domestic problems should not take long.

“You don’t need four [years], and you don’t need eight [years]; you need six months. Within six months, this can be done,” claimed the former president, per Fox. “We’re going to drill. We’re going to get our energy down. When the energy comes down, other things come down.”

“We’re going to immediately close up the border,” Trump said, as an example of how quickly he believed he could drive meaningful change.