The Tarrant County District Attorney’s Office has indicted three suspected Antifa militants who attacked a group of people holding a peaceful protest outside of a Fort Worth drag show.

As reported by The Dallas Express, the three supposed Antifa members were initially arrested on April 23 after surveillance footage showed them suddenly attacking a small group of protesters, seemingly unprovoked.

The protesters included members of Protect Texas Kids, a nonprofit that works to safeguard minors from the “toxic, indoctrinating agenda of the left.” The drag show event hosted by Fort Brewery and Pizza had been billed as “family-friendly.”

As The Dallas Express reported, the Antifa militants involved in the altercation were said to be affiliated with the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club (EFJBGC), a DFW Antifa branch that has repeatedly shown up to protest events heavily armed.

On the day in question, the suspected EFJBGC members were dressed in all-black clothing and donned tactical vests and helmets. Some can be seen in the video footage carrying rifles while counter-protesting outside of the drag show.

In the video, 20-year-old Samuel Fowlkes can be allegedly seen approaching Protect Texas Kids protesters and discharging pepper spray at them. When Fort Worth police officers responded to the scene shortly afterward, Fowlkes allegedly attempted to evade them, hiding behind other apparent Antifa militants.

As officers moved in to apprehend Fowlkes, he seemingly began swinging his arms and resisting commands.

Another alleged Antifa militant, 33-year-old Christopher Guillott, then seemed to have struck an officer in the face with an umbrella.

As the two men were being placed under arrest, 37-year-old Meghan Grant, also an apparent Antifa member, allegedly began screaming and pushing through the police to get near the two suspects. She was also taken into custody.

Fort Worth police released a statement after the incident clarifying their respect for the right to peacefully protest but highlighting their obligation to maintain public order.

“The Fort Worth Police Department respects everyone’s constitutional rights to free speech and assembly,” explained police officials in the statement. “Our main goal during any protest event is to provide a safe environment that respects all participants’ constitutional rights while effectively maintaining public peace and order. However, those who choose to violate the law and assault others will be arrested.”

Now, all three suspected Antifa militants have been indicted by the Tarrant County District Attorney.

Samuel Fowlkes has been charged with assault of a peace officer and assault causing bodily injury.

Christopher Guillott has been charged with assault of a peace officer and interference with public duties.

Meghan Grant has been charged with resisting arrest, search, or transportation.

Each alleged Antifa militant will stand trial in Tarrant County’s Criminal Court 8, with proceedings scheduled to start in early June.