A whistleblower from the IRS is publicly accusing the Justice Department of having “slow-walked” its investigation into Hunter Biden’s finances.

Whistleblower Gary Shapley, a 14-year veteran of the Internal Revenue Service, previously levied allegations against the Department of Justice in private testimony before Congress but has now gone public in a recent interview with CBS News.

Shapley said during the interview that he “took control” of the investigation on behalf of the IRS, after which he “immediately saw deviations from the normal process.”

“There were multiple steps that were slow-walked — were just completely not done — at the direction of the Department of Justice,” he said. “It was way outside the norm from what I’ve experienced in the past.”

Shapley told CBS News he began documenting his concerns in June 2020 after being assigned to the investigation in January of that year.

“For a couple years, we’d been noticing these deviations in the investigative process,” he said. “I just couldn’t fathom that [the] DOJ might be acting unethically on this.”

Shapley claimed the steps of the investigation “seemed to always benefit” Hunter Biden.

“It just got to that point where that switch was turned on, and I just couldn’t silence my conscience anymore,” he said.

Shapley explained that when he “saw the egregiousness of some of these things, it no longer became a choice for me [to blow the whistle].”

“When taxpayers are treated differently — and subjects of investigations are treated differently,” Shapley said, “I don’t see how it doesn’t affect the fairness of the system.”

As covered by The Dallas Express, an anonymous IRS whistleblower previously alleged the IRS removed the “entire investigative team” from its probe into Hunter Biden following orders from the DOJ in an act of retaliation against him.

Shapley’s attorneys, Mark Lytle and Tristan Leavitt, said in a letter to IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel that his agency “must immediately cease and desist intimidating our client for simply exercising his Constitutional right to petition Congress and his statutory right against retaliation for doing so,” per Fox News.

Werfel defended the IRS in a May 17 letter to the House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee.

“I want to state unequivocally that I have not intervened — and will not intervene — in any way that would impact the status of any whistleblower,” Werfel wrote, per Fox News.

“The IRS whistleblower you reference alleges that the change in their work assignment came at the direction of the Department of Justice,” Werfel said. “As a general matter and not in reference to any specific case, I believe it is important to emphasize that in any matter involving federal judicial proceedings, the IRS follows the direction of the Justice Department.”

Justice Department spokesperson Peter Carr told The Dallas Express that the DOJ “will decline to comment” on this matter.

In a statement to CBS News, the IRS said it could not comment on “specific taxpayer matters” under federal law.