Following the winter storm that hit Texas by surprise, Gov. Greg Abbott (R) is giving the Public Utility Commission (PUC) directives to guarantee a more reliable power grid moving forward, making necessary changes and improvements.

In February 2021, millions of Texans lost power and over 100 individuals died as a result of the winter storm that knocked out the state’s power.

“I’m directing the @PUCTX to take immediate action to improve electric reliability across the state. These directives build upon the reforms passed this session to increase power generation capacity and ensure the reliability of the Texas power grid,” Gov. Abbott tweeted.

In the legislative session, Abbott signed two bills to increase reliability for the PUC and the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT). Among the measures to be taken are “weatherization” to improve power generators and transmission lines, so that any unexpected extreme weather will not so severely impact the state.

“The objective of these directives is to ensure that all Texans have access to reliable, safe and affordable power, and that this task is achieved in the quickest possible way. Taking the actions outlined above will help achieve that goal as well as ensure that there is sufficient electric generation to meet the needs of the state’s growing population and booming economy,” Abbott said.

These measures are desperately needed, not only for the physical safety of Texans, but also to rebuild the trust that has been lost due to the failures earlier this year.

“These immediate actions are in addition to any proposed changes resulting from the 87th regular legislative session, your workgroups and the forthcoming Texas Energy Reliability Council,” Abbott said.

ERCOT controls roughly 90% of the state’s power flow.

Among the actions ordered by Abbott for the PUC is to develop and maintain trustworthy power sources, including natural gas, coal and nuclear energy.

The failure of ERCOT resulted in the termination of former President and CEO Bill Magness.