The Metroplex Civic & Business Association is launching its new crime statistics comparison between downtown Dallas and Downtown Ft. Worth, and one of the reasons became clear why the ‘City of Dallas’ lost people last year when all the surrounding cities grew.

Crime is significantly higher in Dallas than in Ft. Worth (about 9 times higher).  The MCBA Business leaders know and realize this fact, which is why some of them have already moved their operations to the suburbs. While most people don’t realize this phenomenon is happening within DFW, it is replicating what so many other companies have done, when they moved to Texas from other large cities around the country. However, they are not moving to Dallas “Proper”, they are also moving to the suburbs in DFW.

We have heard about Starbucks closing stores in Seattle, Walmart shutting stores down in Portland, and we watched Chris Kempczinski, CEO of McDonald’s, fire his shot over Chicago’s bow, by subtly mentioning their commitment to the city was “not unconditional”.  All these businesses are closing stores and adjusting their operations because they are being impacted by elevated crime.

While to me, the answer seems obvious, if Crime increases cities will start to decline and eventually fail. But since there are still many who don’t see the correlation, I was curious what ChatGPT thought about it.

Below is what OpenAI had to say:

ChatGPT prompt: Write a 500-word opinion piece about the correlation between rising crime and cities failing:

Cities are the epicenter of human activity and progress, but they are also vulnerable to a wide range of problems. One of the most pressing issues that urban areas face is crime. When crime rates rise, cities can quickly spiral into chaos and dysfunction, leading to a host of problems that impact everyone who lives and works there. In this op-ed, I will discuss why cities fail when crime rates increase.

First and foremost, when crime rates rise, people become fearful and anxious. They are more likely to stay indoors and avoid public spaces, which can lead to a decline in economic activity. Businesses may close or move to safer areas, leading to a decrease in jobs and tax revenue. This, in turn, can lead to a decline in the quality of life for residents, as public services such as schools, parks, and libraries may be cut due to budget constraints.

In addition to economic consequences, increased crime can also have a profound impact on social cohesion. When people feel unsafe in their neighborhoods, they are less likely to trust their neighbors and engage in community activities. This can lead to a breakdown in social networks, which are crucial for maintaining a sense of belonging and connection in urban areas. As a result, crime can lead to social isolation, which can further exacerbate the problem.

Moreover, the impact of increased crime can be felt disproportionately by certain groups. Low-income communities and communities of color are often the hardest hit by crime, due in part to systemic inequalities such as lack of access to economic opportunities and quality education. When crime rates rise, these communities may experience higher rates of victimization, which can exacerbate existing inequalities and perpetuate a cycle of poverty and marginalization.

Another reason why cities fail when crime rates rise is that it can erode trust in government and law enforcement. When residents feel that their safety is not being prioritized, they may lose faith in the ability of the government to address the issue. This can lead to a sense of disillusionment and disengagement from civic life, which can further perpetuate the problem of crime and its negative consequences.

Finally, increased crime can also have a significant impact on mental health. When people live in areas with high rates of crime, they may experience chronic stress and anxiety, which can have long-term effects on their physical and mental well-being. This, in turn, can lead to a range of negative health outcomes, including depression, substance abuse, and chronic disease.

In conclusion, cities fail when crime rates increase for a variety of reasons. Economic decline, social disintegration, perpetuation of systemic inequalities, erosion of trust in government, and negative impacts on mental health are just a few of the consequences that can result from high levels of crime. As such, it is crucial that cities prioritize public safety and invest in crime prevention strategies that address the root causes of crime, such as poverty, lack of opportunity, and social isolation. Only by taking a comprehensive and proactive approach to crime prevention can cities create safer, more prosperous, and more equitable communities for all residents.

Even a relatively new Artificial Intelligence understands that high crime levels will destroy a city and the people’s lives that stick around.

So, as we stroll into the polling booths starting April 24th, make sure the local candidates you are voting for understand this as well. It’s important, as the future of our city, and really our metroplex depends on it.