A mysterious four-legged animal spotted on a park visitor’s game camera last Thursday has left officials at Texas Parks and Wildlife stumped.
“Is it a new species? An escapee from a nearby zoo? Or just a park ranger in disguise?” a post from the Facebook page of Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park in Mission on April 6 read.
Dallas Zoo had a series of mishaps involving a missing clouded leopard and stolen monkeys that led to it overhauling its security earlier this year, as The Dallas Express reported.
As such, the possibility of the creature being a runaway zoo animal doesn’t seem too far-fetched.
The public had numerous suggestions.
Some posted in reply to the park’s post that the animal was an American badger.
American badgers are nocturnal and range from between 8 and 26 pounds. Known for their burrowing skills, they are stumpy but strong. They can be found throughout North America.
An edit to the park’s original post agreed with this suggestion, although noting that they don’t often appear in the valley.
Other individuals suggested that the unidentified creature could potentially be an endangered jaguarundi.
Texas Parks and Wildlife described this wild cat as weighing between 8 to 16 pounds and having a rusty-brown or charcoal-gray coat. It is also known to slink around in “a quick weasel-like manner.”
Some members of the public suggested that the creature might even be a capybara. This semi-aquatic rodent is the largest on Earth, weighing between 60 and 174 pounds. It has reddish-brown fur and webbed feet.
Capybaras can typically be found in Central and South America, although they have made their way to Florida.
Texas Parks and Wildlife officials have promised to keep the public updated as they continue their investigation, although the precise location inside the park where the photo was captured is unknown.
That being said, it has been a strange time full of random creatures in Texas lately.
As The Dallas Express recently reported, a toy alligator was spotted on the George Bush Tollway during rush hour on April 3. Appearing real to many, the alligator created quite a stir before being revealed as “just a croc.”