The Fort Worth Zoo welcomed a new addition into its midst after an Asian elephant calf was born early Thursday.

This is the fifth elephant calf born at the Fort Worth Zoo, according to a press release per CBS. Brazos, the new calf’s half brother, was born in 2021; Belle, the mom, was born in 2013; Bowie was born in 2013; and Bluebonnet, the aunt, was born in 1998.

The baby is a boy, 37 inches tall, and weighs 270 pounds.

The father, Romeo, has lived in the Fort Worth Zoo since 2015.

Both the baby and mother elephants are doing well and currently getting acquainted with each other at the zoo’s Elephant Springs enclosure.

During Belle’s pregnancy, experts at the zoo monitored her condition. Zoo staff monitored Belle, who is 9 and a half years old, by performing weekly blood checks, physical examinations, and sonograms.

When the newborn baby elephant will be shown to the public largely depends on the weather.

Also, baby elephants aren’t the only new species that have started their new lives at the Fort Worth Zoo. Recently, 17 flamingo chicks were born at the zoo. However, it will take some time before the flamingos develop their distinctive pink color. Until then, their feathers will be gray.