The numbers are in for the first month of 2023, and City Councilman Jaime Resendez of District 5 is The Dallas Express’ newest Crime Boss of the Month.

According to the downloadable dataset made available by the City of Dallas, Resendez’s Crime Score jumped by 18.32% year-over-year for January, more than any other council member in Dallas.

District 5 is located in Southeast Dallas and includes the Pleasant Grove and Piedmont Addition neighborhoods.

Resendez currently sits on four city council committees: Economic Development; Environment & Sustainability; Workforce, Education & Equity; and Public Safety.

While Councilman Resendez was previously featured in The Dallas Express‘ Crime Boss Series last summer for a wave of robberies that plagued the residents and business owners of his district in June, this is the first time the councilman has been named Crime Boss of the Month.

District 5’s Crime Score last month was especially affected by three categories of offense: Assaults, Thefts, and Motor Vehicle Thefts.

According to the City of Dallas Open Data crime analytics dashboard, District 5 saw assaults spike by 53% year-over-year in January. The Dallas Police Department reported similar increases for auto thefts and all other theft offenses, 54.3% and 57.5%, respectively.

Crime Category 2022 Incidents 2021 Incidents Increase
Assault Offenses 179 117 62
Motor Vehicle Thefts 54 35 19
Theft Offenses 63 40 23

The Dallas Express reached out to Councilman Resendez and his staff to inquire about what is accounting for this sharp increase in crime in District 5, as well as what he is doing on the council to get crime under control, not only in his district but in the city as a whole.

No response was received by press time.

The Dallas Express, The People’s Paper, believes that important information about the city, such as crime rates and trends, should be easily accessible to you. Dallas has more crime per capita than hotspots like Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and New York, according to data from the FBI’s UCR database.

How did your area stack up on crime? Check out our interactive Crime Map to compare all Dallas City Council Districts. Curious how we got our numbers? Check out our methodology page here.