It is absolutely crucial that the science on fluoride is censored. Fortunately, top officials in Federal Agencies did just that. They censored the science on fluoride. After all, we look to Federal Agencies to protect us.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has a large umbrella that includes the CDC, NIH, FDA, Medicare, and more. U.S. Assistant Secretary of Health, Admiral Rachel Levine has put the release of the National Toxicology Program (NTP) fluoride report on hold. NIH’s Office of Director, the highest office within the NIH is also involved. Lawrence A. Tabak, D.D.S., Ph.D. (Dentist) is performing the duties of the NIH Director. He assumed this NIH role on December 20, 2021, after Dr. Francis Collins retired. NIH was Dr. Anthony Fauci’s stomping ground.

We know that Rachel Levine and NIH’s Doctor/Dentist Tabak censored the toxicology report on fluoride because of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. We saw the CDC’s emails. That long-haired hippie-kid Derek Broze had reported about it, but he is one of them anti-fluoridation nuts.

National Toxicology Program (NTP)

Falling under the umbrella of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), via the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) is the National Toxicology Program (NTP).

NIH/ NIEHS funded some landmark scientific studies at prestigious institutions which demonstrated that Dallas water fluoridation levels can adversely affect the mental abilities (IQ and ADHD) of the fetus and formula-fed infant.

Did you really grasp that previous sentence?

Did you click the link?

Did you see the list of studies?

National Toxicology Program’s state of the science review and meta-analysis on fluoride neurotoxicity has taken 7 long years by the scientists at NTP, along with an unprecedented number (breaking all records) peer-reviews.

Nobody has ever seen anything remotely like this with an NTP report. Typically, it gets expediently peer-reviewed and then publicly published. However, we savvy pro-fluoride junkies know that “stall, stall, stall” is how you play the game at the EPA and other Federal agencies. We know how to squelch that fluoride science. In fact, my friends at the American Dental Association covertly got into the review process so they could pervert the outcome. But they got caught from one of those dang FOIA requests. Fortunately, Rachel Levine may never allow the broad public to see this NTP report on fluoride’s toxicity.


The NTP report is important because the EPA is being sued by citizens who are concerned about fluoride toxicity. Never before in history has a citizens group brought a case to trial like this. Robert F Kennedy, Jr. interviews the attorney Michael Connett about the trial in this 33-minute video. In the video, you will watch trial testimony from both the EPA and the CDC where they admit under oath that toxic risks exist with water fluoridation, and that fluoridation provides no benefit for certain population subsets.


For over 10 years, these tin foil hat activists at keep telling the Dallas City Council that “Risks Exist” with water fluoridation. The Dallas City Council could stop fluoridation at any time. In 1965, the Council started the program and thus can stop it. Some council members do not want the people to vote on the fluoridation issue in May, because democracy doesn’t apply when they don’t want it to. We all know how council members prefer to role-play as dictators by forcing everyone to swallow a fluoride medicine.

The activists have presented more than 150 presentations to the Council, along with tons of information.

These folks make salient points, so DO NOT WATCH this VIDEO.

“Dallas Water Utilities refuses to disclose the potential risks to water fluoridation,” shout the crazy activists. In the Dallas Water Utility’s risk/benefit analysis of fluoridation, it becomes silly-obvious when they only show benefits while saying: “No Risks Exist”. It’s a bit like walking a used car lot.

“Censor the Science on Fluoride” is what Dallas Water Utilities is doing. We profluoride junkies know that this is the way to keep swallowing the fluoride.

These pesky anti-fluoridation activists point to over 400 scientific studies which demonstrate that fluoride damages the brain and that the Dallas fluoride levels are just like past Thyroid medications. Hyperthyroidism had been treated with small amounts of fluoride, because fluoride has many chemical interactions in the body processes. Fluoride has no nutritional value and is not used for any function of the body.

“How many milligrams of Fluoride should a pregnant Mother consume daily?” reads a flyer by the Dallas anti-fluoride mob. What!? Don’t these idiot activists know that people no longer have critical thinking skills? The public can’t think with that question, much less do simple math.

Dallas tap water contains 0.7 milligrams (mg) of fluoride in every quart (liter). The lethal dose for a 35-pound 4-year-old child is about 80 mg of fluoride. If the kid drank 114 liters of water in one day, the fluoride could kill him if he doesn’t drown first.

Everyone knows that swallowing fluoride is very nutritious for a growing young child while their teeth are forming, right? Right? Or not? Of course, as every Dentist knows, swallowing fluoride as an adult does no good for the teeth, but it may calm an overactive thyroid. We know that every 3-year-old can read the FDA warning label on their 4.6-ounce Fruity-Tootie fluoride toothpaste. The label states that if more than a pea-sized amount is swallowed, call Poison Control. Swallowing a half tube can be fatal for a 4-year-old.

Evidently, more than half the children and adolescents in the Dallas metro area have dental fluorosis. Only one thing causes dental fluorosis – swallowing fluoride. Look for white specks or patches on the teeth. Sometimes it shows as cloudy or brownish stains, and maybe some tiny pits. Examine the back teeth, not just the front. Dental fluorosis is an outward sign that the body’s system has a toxic load of fluoride. One should certainly expect more brittle teeth and bones. In adults, around 50% of ingested fluoride accumulates in bones as a body-toxin protection mechanism, while the other 50% stresses the kidneys as the body tries to eliminate the poison. Older adults notice the achy joints because of the fluoride accumulation.

The economic benefits of fluoridation are wondrous! Cosmetic dentistry, easily cracked teeth, achy joints, and broken hips make up part of our country’s economy. We should relish the vibrant economic benefit of those many adverse health conditions which occur very gradually by swallowing a little fluoride every day. This is the perfect long-term business plan. Bit by bit, incremental slow poisoning. No one will notice because it is unperceptively gradual. Eventually, the body has poor health conditions. Poor Health = Big Bucks.

Thankfully, our massive aluminum and fertilizer industries keep cranking out fluoride toxic waste so we can put it in our Dallas drinking water. Don’t worry. It is classified as hazardous toxic waste by the EPA and cannot be dumped in rivers or on the ground. But the EPA says that it can be reclassified if it is ‘sold’ to water districts like Dallas.

Here is the sad thing though. Water fluoridation will never be a national mandate. It’s a law.

The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) states: “No national primary drinking water regulation may require the addition of any substance for preventive health care purposes unrelated to contamination of drinking water.”

What!? Me worry? Nah! It is a well-known phenomenon that too much unwanted science can cause pain between the ears. Plus, people don’t read anymore. No one actually reads a science study. Few will ever thoroughly research. Article links are never clicked. People just quote headlines or “Authoritarian Experts” while repeating the mantra “safe and effective”. On top of that, politicians make a career of getting people to swallow what they say, and in Dallas they say: “Swallow the fluoride every day.” Everyone knows that politicians don’t really care about people’s health. Everyone knows that Federal Agencies will do anything to save face and that they will never confess their sins.

Take this home: Reason, logic and prestigious scientific studies don’t apply. Narrative does.

We profluoride junkies are lucky. Edward Bernays, the guy who wrote the book entitled “Propaganda”, played a big role in helping to get water fluoridation started. While you can read the book at the link, the opening paragraph is worth quoting:

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.

We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.”

I love my fluoride. I bathe in it, I eat it, I drink it, I put it on the lawn, and give it to my dog. A joyous aspect is that I get to retain much of the fluoride in my body and on my lawn, forever. Help me to keep water fluoridation: “Censor the Science on Fluoride.”

Tom Nolan is a human and plans to keep his humanity.  He can read.